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Project Summary:

Welcome to the home page of Chatty’s World! Chatty lives in the world of Minecraft and is dictated by his supreme overlords. Chatty does not have a mind of his own, and only does what his commanders tell him to do. Chatty is given a handful of useful items to interact with the many animals and surroundings that we have summoned into his arena.

Our project is a Natural Language Processing project, where we feed our Minecraft Agent (Chatty) information, and he is to make sense of it, using things like part of speech tagging and word to vector models. We are able to observe our environment, and program our agent to do something interesting with this information, with the use of Microsoft’s Malmo API.

To learn more about Chatty’s World, feel free to explore our Status and Final report pages!


Here are the links to the tools that were used for Chatty’s World:

Project Malmo
Malmo API Documentation
Natural Language Toolkit Library
Gensim Word2Vec Library
Google’s Trained Gensim Model (GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin)